
0698 Realization of God.... recognizing the origin....

December 5, 1938: Book 15

People recognize their origin less and less, and since they are not aware of it, they do not understand their task on earth either. And even if times pass, they inevitably have to come to this realization before they can progress step by step in their higher development. The length of time does not release the human being from the uncomfortable task of first seeking connection with his creator.... He must first recognize the creator and enter into contact with Him, and it can only be advantageous for him if he seeks this connection at the earliest time, for only from this time onwards can his life be lived in accordance with its purpose.... Before that, however, life is just a playful frittering away of precious time, for it does not result in the slightest benefit for the soul. And it will only be a disadvantage if a person lives thoughtlessly and never considers the question of his origin. God has truly given him intellect and the ability to think for nothing if he does not use it in order to achieve spiritual success. Rarely is man granted the favour to be obviously pointed to the state before his embodiment. Anyone who does not search for truth in the way of the heart will hardly be able to be initiated, and therefore his original nature will remain an eternal mystery to him.... he does not make the slightest effort to obtain a satisfactory explanation of it. And so he can either only accept what is offered to him as truth from a spiritually more mature side or he must remain in a dark, unexplained state until he finally recognizes his actual origin after a long, unused time on earth. And the more he himself is moved by this question, the sooner he will do so. For God gives enlightenment to every person who longs for light, and He also imposes the same obligation on every person to make use of his thinking and knowledge, and thus complete ignorance is always a certain spiritual inertia.... he who never asks himself such questions will also not be able to receive an answer, and he who lives into the day without all thinking actually has no right to enliven the earth as he does not fulfil the actual purpose of life. Only God's great grace and mercy will also make such people think through sometimes painful intervention so that the person can at least stand in the light for the rest of his life if he is not completely dismissive and disregards all warnings or advice. Then only a powerful intervention on the part of the eternal deity will help if such a being is not to leave earthly life in complete ignorance and then have to travel an infinitely longer path in the beyond in order to reach the same goal, the realization of its origin from God. This is inevitably the first necessity.... this is the first possibility of ascent, only then can there be talk of further development, and only then is it possible to establish the right relationship with the creator and eternal father, without which the stage of perfection can never be reached....


Translated by Doris Boekers