
0693 Capacity for spiritual food.... pastor....

November 30, 1938: Book 15

Behold, My child, what your spirit receives is well prepared by Me and therefore always adapted to your capacity. Your spirit must first be receptive to such an extent that I can impart profound wisdom to it, and until this is achieved the teachings must be offered to you in the same way as before. It is not only a matter of writing them down, but they should also be properly understood by you, and this can only be achieved by constantly offering you spiritual food until you are educated to such an extent that you can easily grasp what spiritual knowledge is still destined for you. True love will also bring you there if your zeal does not diminish, but it should also be emphasized to you that your task is to teach one day.... And therefore the spiritual food must be offered to you in such a way that it is quite comprehensible to you and can also be absorbed intellectually in order to be able to refute all objections well, which is very necessary for those who want to be superior. Only always trust your saviour, Who finds the right measure for you in everything and to Whom every corner of your heart is known.... He distributes gifts to you according to your needs....

Today you shall receive a wise word about those whose office it is or should be to proclaim the teaching of God. You see, I always call some among men who are to be active according to My will and can always rejoice in their willingness to serve Me. But now the number of those who want to serve Me is getting smaller and smaller. Although many fulfil the office of pastor, they do not take their concern for the salvation of souls seriously. They do not observe the fourth commandment: You shall honour your father and mother.... They are not active for My honour, but only enjoy their physical well-being.... They no longer recognize the father in Me and therefore deny Me all honour and love by trying to portray Me to people as a stranger.... as a punishing judge, but not as a mild father.... They are indeed active with their mouths but their hearts are far from Me because they themselves do not recognize Me and therefore cannot inform people of My love. They are now destined for a hard fate. They will have to fight for their physical sustenance, they themselves will experience such hardship that they will have to prove their faith, they will only be able to fulfil the most sacred mission, which is supposed to be their ministry, under strong self-denial. They will have to give up all apparent well-being and only be proclaimers of the word of God chosen by their fellow human beings. And people will certainly desire to hear the word of God, and they will take refuge in those who can enlighten them about the nature of the deity, but they will never attain new and firm faith where faith has already lapsed and who cannot offer the word of God to people with the right fervour. And I am preparing you for this time so that such righteous people who hunger for the truth may be offered the right doctrine of God and the word of God may arise anew among humanity. Everything will collapse and only the pure unadulterated word of God will remain, for the power of the world will not be able to reach it, and if the fighting fighters for God are now truly willing to stand up for Me, My strength will also overflow into them and they will suddenly recognize the truth brightly and lightly and take care of the spreading of My word with double zeal. Before that, you, My faithful servants, will also be exposed to strong hostility from this side, for these proclaimers of My teaching who have almost fallen away from God do not want to admit that they had built their teaching on erroneous premises up to now.... They will stand up for the old, which has long since ceased to completely correspond to God's will, and they will also be difficult to dissuade until the desire to only do what is truly right becomes so active in their hearts that, with the help of divine grace, they recognize the working of the deity from above.... that they recognize the saviour's presence amongst humanity and His immense love for the living creations. Then they too will submit to God's will and be truly active for His word and give glory to the father in heaven alone....


Translated by Doris Boekers