0692 The necessity of mediation.... God's word.... purest truth....

November 30, 1938: Book 15

Heaven's highest bliss will be granted to you who serve the lord. For the innumerable dangers which threaten the soul in earthly life are to be properly recognized by people, and therefore the word of God must reach them in this form in order to let faith arise anew and to direct people's thoughts back to Jesus Christ, the divine redeemer. For it has become a world of appearances, no-one really recognizes the purpose of his earthly existence anymore, everything turns to matter and thus reduces the power of the spiritual. And yet there is so much help available to them, which they only need to seize. The lord constantly imparts His word to them.... He wants to instruct humanity about His will and their task. For infinitely great things are at stake.... it is about eternity. The lord can only speak to people through human mouths if He wants to form free, self-determining beings into children of God, for all other admonitions from above will no longer be heeded either but accepted as repeatedly occurring events, and the lord will therefore have to intervene so conspicuously if His admonitions and His words are not heeded. They will only realize it in each individual's oppressive adversity and even then the term 'force of nature' will still keep many away from right thinking, for their blindness has already progressed too far, and thus help can only be granted to those who turn in full faith to the creator of heaven and earth.... who commend their lives to Him and ask for His grace. Only they will be saved from all misery. So that the number of these may increase, the lord sends out His servants beforehand to give news of what is to be expected. These can still change people's thinking if they preach the word of God, which the lord wisely blesses with His power so that all who hear it and believingly accept it will become tangibly imbued with this power. Only through this word of God conveyed to people can salvation still be brought to them, and it is indispensable for humanity in order to lead them to right thinking. Whoever loves his neighbour in the name of the lord and preaches the word of God to him is only an executor of the divine will. The word of God is to arise anew among mankind and can only be taught in the present time in such a way that it appears acceptable to those willing to believe, for man is too reluctant to accept anything improbable.... however, he should not be forced to accept the faith either, but his free will should decide and accept or reject it. What reaches the servants on earth and is received by them in full faith is the purest, brightest truth from the heavens.... it is the expression of divine love for people.... it is the most unadulterated teaching of Christ, which He Himself taught to people on earth and which remains the same forever. If you humans receive it, you will be blessed, and if you also pass it on to your fellow human beings, your reward will truly be great one day. Love for your fellow human beings should be your driving force, and words given in love will not fail to make an impression.... They will awaken love again and let God be recognized as the wisest, most loving father, Whom the earthly child must love above all else. Where the word of God has found entrance, peace of heart will also return, the longing for the world will recede, all glamour and shine of it will fade, and man will only desire to hear God's word and to get strength and comfort, inner peace and happiness from it.... For the word of God replaces the pleasures of the world a thousandfold if it is received with full faith. Those who are in the service of God are called to stand up for the word of God and, as messengers of the lord, to make His will known. The task of these servants is such an enormous and extensive one because it is of the greatest necessity for people who walk on earth in the deepest night and do not grasp the seriousness of the present time. And that is why these servants should also be equipped with all their strength in order to effectively support their words in the name of the lord. For a person in full faith, who visibly has extraordinary strength at his disposal, will most likely be able to strengthen the belief in a divine being to Whom everything in the universe is subject.... And once a person has this realization he will also be willing to accept the divine word and make an effort to obey the lord's will which can be recognized from it; however, anyone who rejects such evidence of divine love and concern for people will be in dire straits if the lord determines the elements of nature to inform people of His existence. Then the voice of the lord will sound audibly to all and cause fear and terror in the unbelievers to whom the last reprieve is thus granted....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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