
0691 father's words.... love.... poem....

November 29, 1938: Book 15

You should fulfil this work gladly and joyfully and always be sure of My help. For I always bless those who remain in My will. Countless beings are looked after by Me and I will never leave My own in need if they endeavour to live in a way that pleases Me. Just as everything around you is My work, I also want to be active in you and, by virtue of My love, ignite the flame of love in you and let it flare up, for anyone who desires Me has love within himself and should only demand that it fulfils itself.... The most blissful feeling in the heart is constant contact with Me.... you will no longer believe yourselves to be on earth once you have tasted these delights and yet increase your longing for ever greater fulfilment, for love surpasses itself.... it has no end and no limits, it is only ever giving and blissful, and its abode will always be a heart turned towards Me. For I Myself am love, and he who loves Me with all his heart receives Me into his heart, and he who lives in My love hears the most blessed language.... His heart is jubilation and rejoicing, and nothing will be able to rob him of his happiness, whatever storms in on him from outside. For he is secure in My love and his desire for Me will be fulfilled.... Therefore, endeavour to always be active in love and My presence will make you happy without limit. For whatever you start, My love watches over you and, like a caring father, I guide your steps so that you will not stray from the right path and fall into the dangers of life. And I still have many joys in store for you, I will make you into the most luminous beings in the beyond if your love for Me does not diminish and your hearts beat towards Me. For the child's happiness is the father's joy, its welfare My concern, and where you run the risk of stumbling I hold My hand protectively over you.

(And if your heart longs.... for Me, My love will carry you.... to Me in the homeland, relieved of all suffering, you will walk in the brightest light.... Then see your father's face in heaven above.... And your heart will tremble.... and glow with love.... And you will live in bliss, resting blissfully on My breast.... To be constantly near Me, to be blissful in pleasure and joy, My love will give you.... purest happiness for eternity.... )


Translated by Doris Boekers