
0689 Incarnation.... bridge....

November 28, 1938: Book 15

He Who wore the crown of thorns carried the sins of men on His shoulders and yet remained the purest, most innocent lamb of God. Night was the portion of all souls at that time, but with the saviour the light came to earth, and the darkness was overcome through Jesus' death on the cross. And those who opened their hearts to receive the light had their sins blotted out by the saviour's love. The power of evil was broken, the saviour earned people the right to enter the eternal home if they accepted faith in Jesus Christ as the son of God. For an immeasurably long time the gates to the father's house were closed because sin separated the soul from the eternal deity.... Then the lord built a bridge from the earth to the spiritual world. Faith was able to overcome the unbridgeable gulf.... the eternal deity bent fatherly towards His creatures and they found the way to the father, who only has the will, for the divine saviour paved the way through His incarnation....


Translated by Doris Boekers