
0684 Prayer for help from the spirits.... atonement and forgiveness of sin....

November 26, 1938: Book 15

It is written: "Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest...." Whoever of you feels oppressed and trusts in My strength shall have his suffering alleviated if only he asks the father in My name. Love is the greatest thing in heaven and on earth, and it can do everything. But that spiritual world works constantly in love and according to My will. And so it will also protect you from all dangers, for the spiritual beings do nothing of their own accord but only work with Me and through Me. Anyone who therefore recommends himself to them for protection will be protected by My will, for everything that serves Me is one with Me.... permeated by one power and guided by one will. And therefore anyone who faithfully takes refuge in Me and My strength will go through earthly life in safe protection. Therefore, never forget the ever ready help and ask for it, and nothing will be denied you.... if you only think of your soul's salvation in your deepest heart, your earthly endeavours will also be blessed, for the father's grace is immeasurable. And now receive:

Everything that is contrary to divine order must be atoned for, for it is sin before God and people if the effects of this sin are directed against people. The human being will recognize the right order himself, but if he, against his better judgement, overturns the laws of divine order, he rebels, as it were, against the highest power and perfection and thus spiritually distances himself further and further from the eternal deity with Whom he is supposed to unite himself. His sinful state separates him all the more from the spirit of light the more often he acts contrary to the divine laws. But if he now desires divine love and turns to the truth, he will also endeavour to change his earthly way of life and comply with God's commandments. However, at the same time he will have to ensure that his realization matures, for in this he will come to the realization that he has erred against divine love, he will remember his transgressions with abhorrence and remorse, ask his creator for forbearance and make an effort to fight against his weaknesses so that he will not fall back into his old guilt. And then he will also be forgiven, for the father in heaven is mild and just.... He lets His love prevail where the earthly child realizes his wrongdoing and asks for forgiveness. In the same way, you should also forgive your neighbours who have transgressed against you.... You should always show love and not seek retribution, for 'judge not, lest ye be judged'. And just as you forgive your enemies, so you too will be forgiven, for as you judge, so you will be judged. You should listen to every admonition and warning of the heart if it prompts you to repay evil with good, for you too have failed countless times in life and yet seek and expect the mercy of the father in heaven.... So you too should be merciful and always repay with love what has been done to you. For one day you will feel it as a blessing and all the love that made you act according to the father's commandments will have a beneficial effect in the beyond, where only the works of love will be recognized. All hatred and desire for revenge is part of evil, which you must overcome, for it only reduces your spiritual strength and hinders your ascent. Only works of love will ever be beneficial to the soul. Similarly, also seek to receive the blessing of divine grace through perpetual prayer for the strengthening of your will, for this will then also enable you to act in accordance with God's will in His eternal order. Life so often offers opportunities which can become a danger for the soul if the will is weak, but a strong will overcomes the danger; and if love for the father drives the earthly child, it will certainly not stray from the right path and will know how to live well in the divine order. Even then he will not need to fear the creator's stern hand of judgement, for only those who knowingly transgress His commandments will be called upon to atone, and that according to the hardness of his heart. For the lord is a mild judge and forgives all guilt on earth if it is recognized and repented of from the bottom of his heart.... But He will also know how to punish those who do not observe His commandments and never again plead with Him for forgiveness....


Translated by Doris Boekers