0595 God's word.... spiritual power.... mind.... inventions....
September 25, 1938: Book 13
In this solemn hour, the lord speaks to you through His servant John and informs you of things that are beyond common knowledge and that should help to enlighten you. For there are those in heaven and on earth who represent the office of mediator.... who receive from God and give.... and who pass these gifts on to people. Every instrument on earth is under divine protection so that the words given from above are also received and passed on purely. Whatever messages spread across the earth during this time will always remain an incomprehensible blessing for people. Every teaching from God is opposed by opposing powers who want to destroy what the lord God Himself wants to build up, and if there is now a threat from this side, the lord will inform you first in order to prevent this plan, which applies to this work and thus to the pure word of God Himself. Attempt after attempt will fail, which will always be directed against the word of God. All recognition of divine wisdom is of no avail against the ignorance of people who only reckon with earthly powers and pay no attention to anything spiritual. A sharp boundary will be drawn, for all that is spiritual will unite and separate itself from the world of thinkers and know-it-alls who deny all spiritual power. People demand proof of such a power and would be just as incredulous of an obvious proof, only in the remote effect would they still want to recognize a miraculous intervention of a divine power, but even then still to a limited extent. For science has recorded successes on all sides and this will push faith back more and more, but one thing people do not consider is that these successes were also more or less brought to people by spiritual power.... that this spiritual power has manifested itself through all those people who have made new discoveries and inventions in the field of science. The more simple-minded a person is, the more deeply he can devote himself to the belief that the worldly wise.... the intellectuals must also recognize their cleverness as a gift of the supreme deity.... as a spiritual manifestation of power, which turns more to some people and less to others. All spirit from God stimulates man.... the more intensively this spirit of God flows into the human being, the more active such a person's work will be.... that the spirit and divine power is therefore the cause of every earthly invention.... but that all this is dead beginning, only of use to the world and earthly followers as long as it is not recognized as a purely divine product but the human being claims recognition of his achievement for himself. Every human being only carries out what he is commissioned to do, and this commissioner is always the eternal deity, Who presides over everything that is created with His will.... and every human being is always only the executor of God's will in everything that comes into being.... Only that man uses his creative power and creative power, which comes to him from God, of his own will to create works that do not serve the common good of mankind. This is against God's order and can never be approved of. If everything that is created by human hands and for which God gives His power would always correspond to the good purpose, then such a work would truly remain blessed by the lord for a long time, and only good things would always adhere to such works and endure. The inventions, which again are only to fulfil their purpose in destruction, can by no means be blessed by the lord, even though the divine power has also animated man and produced earthly things. The power is given to every human being without distinction, but one's own will uses this power for good or evil, for evil powers likewise sought to exert their influence, and man willingly accepted such influence, making use of divine power, yet subordinating himself to evil. Furthermore, in their arrogance people want to attribute all successes to themselves.... deep, serious reflection would have to teach them that they did not create themselves in this way, that their intelligence is also a gift from a higher power that cannot be appropriated arbitrarily by anyone. Thus God endows each one differently and gives each one the gifts that enable him to live his higher development. Spiritual endeavour brings him no visible benefit, and therefore he also leaves aside the urgent necessity. He exploits himself exhaustively and the gifts bestowed upon him for the purpose of spiritual development have just the opposite effect.... to place his own ego even higher instead of giving thanks and honour to the divine creator, Who in His love has so richly provided for him as a small being. Tireless spiritual labour earns the human being the highest reward in eternity.... yet no matter how valuable earthly work may be for earthly existence and also be of benefit to countless people, it will not be of any noteworthy advantage for eternity, for the most significant work on earth is invalid in the face of death.... Nothing the soul can take over from its work on earth, unless excessive love for fellow human beings has stimulated the creative urge and the works have only arisen purely out of compassion and neighbourly love. Then God does not judge the work, but the degree of love of the creator. Thus, intellectual wisdom can indeed become a great blessing, both for fellow human beings and for the person himself...., but only where it is recognized as a gift from God and received with the deepest humility and gratitude. For there the childlike relationship with the heavenly father is not disturbed, but established in all intimacy, and thus the person's knowledge can unfold blessedly and assume the highest dimension, for the father will always increase this gift where it is used correctly. The light will therefore always shine brightly and clearly where divine strength comes to light, and this strength will express itself where wisdom originating from God is recognized. Such people can be completely permeated by the spirit of God and their thoughts will never be focussed on earthly possessions but solely on exploring divine wisdom....
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