0587 Earthly knowledge.... wisdom of God.... truth through the spirit of God....
September 18, 1938: Book 13
All that the earth harbours of knowledge and experience is not in proportion to the infinite wisdom of God. People want to put their own wisdom first and do not consider that understanding is also a gift from the most high, and even when used in a good sense, it is only tiny compared to the wisdom of God. Do you have the gift of being able to fathom what purpose the millions of stars in the firmament serve? You can only ever accept what is given to you from above as an explanation, but you can never go one step further on your own, because for you all the stars are distant from the world, only visible to your eyes as tiny dots. But now consider that God has accomplished unspeakably many creations which are completely alien to you.... consider that every work of creation, in wise foresight of its purpose, fits into the overall creation in divine order.... consider that you face all these works of creation without the slightest knowledge.... Then perhaps the lack of your own wisdom will be clear to you, you will realize that you can only fathom nothing in the world in depth purely intellectually with the gift which the lord has given you.... You can guess and just believe.... and therefore always remain ignorant as long as you do not give the spirit within you the freedom to be active for you. This spirit will then introduce you to the truth and completely open up all areas to you if only you have the desire to receive enlightenment for the purpose of your spiritual further education. After all, you see so many riddles in nature every day which you accept, perhaps questioning yourselves about them or wondering.... you cannot find a comprehensive answer if you want to explain them purely intellectually. Ask your creator Himself.... He will not withhold the answer from you if, after fervent prayer, you listen attentively to the voice within you that introduces you to inexplicable territory. A little while longer, and all doubters will experience things that will shake their security to the core. For the lord will make himself known to everyone in order to try to save everyone's soul, and then your speeches will form an easy foundation on which to build.... The distant shaping of life will also help to change the minds of those people, for God has the destiny of each individual in his hands. God's wisdom is unlimited, how could a person measure himself against it and claim something with the certainty of someone with full knowledge that is completely beyond his judgement. God gave man the intellect to be able to judge everything in, around and about himself to the extent that it visibly gives him cause for enquiry and pondering. But God has reserved the answer for Himself.... And He gives it to the one who, as a child, begs the father for enlightenment.... but not where man relies on his own knowledge and deems himself too exalted to childishly ask for enlightenment. Put aside your arrogance where problems of creation are concerned.... Knowledge of spiritual things is completely independent of worldly experience, and intellectually highly developed people often find the gulf to spiritual knowledge considerably wider because they find it too difficult to descend from the heights.... than a human child who trustingly and believingly recommends himself to the divine heart of the father. These bridge the gulf with ease, but all the knowledge in the world only helps to widen the gulf, for the human being distances himself from pure inner faith in the lord God as the sole controller of the universe....
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