0572 Power of prayer.... flee the pleasures of the world.... body and soul....

September 6, 1938: Book 12

So try to put yourself in a state where you only direct your senses towards God, and if your thoughts want to stray, call upon Him for help. You will then hear every word we say brightly and clearly, for the power of prayer is unspeakably great, you just don't know it yet.... In worldly things the fulfilment of your prayer becomes tangible to you, but in the spiritual it is not so noticeable to you, yet the soul derives immense benefit from it when you turn intimately to the heavenly father. And that is the blessing of prayer, that you develop higher and higher and the pressure falls off the soul more and more. The soul lifts itself up and no longer takes such an interest in earthly suffering, and this also allows the body to bear suffering much more easily. In hours of earthly hardship, the soul returns to the body and gives it the strength to patiently accept everything in view of eternity, for body and soul struggle together for inner peace. Flee the pleasures of the world.... This admonition cannot be given to you often enough, for only then will you be able to truly realise your spiritual existence. Raising your thoughts to God is far more valuable than devoting them to earthly pleasures, and at the same time you begin the separation of the soul from the body. Guided into our spheres, such a possibility is offered to the soul that it soon makes contact with the spirit slumbering in it and earthly existence is only a means to an end for it. It will only ever stimulate the body to fulfil its earthly duties and to fully commit itself to a work of love in.... to cultivate love with all its strength and thereby supply the soul with ever new strength, which is again directed towards the union with the spirit of God. Diligent labour of the body with the soul must have spiritual success. It therefore only requires blessing from above, which should be implored in fervent prayer. Every sigh of relief, sent to heaven in childlike trust, also assures you of heaven's support, and in spiritual concern you will not make any request in vain. For everything is revealed to the deity, including the innermost corner of the heart, when a cry for help to the father comes from there....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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