Book 94


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
8929 Being human is a consequence of rejecting divine love-power.... Feb 9, 1965 355 Print
8930 Spreading the spirit.... world people.... Feb 10, 1965 333 Print
8931 God's constant care of love is for His creatures.... Feb 11, 1965 328 Print
8932 God's constant care of love is for His creatures.... Feb 12, 1965 351 Print
8933 What was the being like in its original state?.... What is it like as a human being?.... Feb 13, 1965 341 Print
8934 Unstoppable word reception.... Feb 14, 1965 338 Print
8935 No coercion may be done to the will of man.... Feb 15, 1965 351 Print
8936 In the state of compulsion progress is guaranteed.... but as human being?.... Feb 16, 1965 683 Print
8937 God alone knows about the togetherness of substances.... Feb 17, 1965 370 Print
8938 Assuming the will entails right thinking.... Feb 19, 1965 621 Print
8939 Contents of the transcripts.... present evidence of God.... Feb 20, 1965 353 Print
8940 Does the "sounding" word protect against error?.... Feb 21, 1965 378 Print
8941 1 Corinthians 15, 29.... ‘Act of baptism on a dead person’.... Feb 22, 1965 624 Print
8942 Souls in the beyond participate in teachings.... Feb 23, 1965 683 Print
8943 The human being is not a product of coincidence by a Creative Power.... Feb 25, 1965 1204 Print
8944 After reading a book about Indian religions.... Feb 26, 1965 628 Print
8945 Explanation about the 'existence as a human being'.... Feb 27, 1965 620 Print
8946 God does not require of man more than he is able to perform.... Mar 1, 1965 614 Print
8947 Description of the process of the return work.... Mar 2, 1965 561 Print
8948 Doubting the perfection of God.... Mar 4, 1965 351 Print
8949 Confirmation of the prophesies.... Mar 6, 1965 814 Print
8950 Unusual knowledge transfer.... Mar 8, 1965 319 Print
8951 Decision test: Confessing Jesus Christ.... Mar 10, 1965 352 Print
8952 God's support in the vineyard work.... Mar 12, 1965 336 Print
8953 God's everlasting help to completion.... Mar 13, 1965 584 Print
8954 Creation miracles should make you think.... Mar 14, 1965 587 Print
8955 Only prayer protects from the adversary's activity.... Mar 15, 1965 1060 Print
8956 Free will must be granted to every human being.... Mar 28, 1965 352 Print
8957 Full trust in God and His love.... Apr 2, 1965 576 Print
8958 Divine mercy spring.... Apr 3, 1965 336 Print
8959 Keen intellect is an obstacle to correct realisation.... Apr 5, 1965 622 Print
8960 Love recognises the error in the beyond.... Intercession.... Apr 7, 1965 593 Print
8961 Matter is compressed spiritual strength.... Apr 10, 1965 917 Print
8962 'Test the spirits whether they are of God....' 1 John 4:1-3.... Apr 13, 1965 586 Print
8963 Do the Gospels correspond to truth?.... Apr 15, 1965 873 Print
8964 Good Friday.... Apr 16, 1965 591 Print
8965 Easter Sunday.... Apr 18, 1965 358 Print
8966 Resurrection of Jesus.... Apr 19, 1965 343 Print
8967 Knowledge of the process of the working of the mind.... Apr 21, 1965 369 Print
8968 Explaining why people's thinking is so different.... Apr 25, 1965 373 Print
8969 Is the will first or grace.... Apr 26, 1965 645 Print
8970 Achievement of the childship to God of light beings?.... Apr 28, 1965 347 Print
8971 Messages from the heights.... I. May 2, 1965 348 Print
8972 Messages from the heights.... II. May 7, 1965 360 Print
8973 Faith and love lead to unification with God.... May 9, 1965 1066 Print
8974 Faith and love leads to union with God.... (the knowledge of the process of the outpouring of the spirit.... ) May 12, 1965 392 Print
8975 The act of creation was an act of gratification for God.... May 16, 1965 867 Print
8976 Why must a non-fallen spirit also walk the earth.... May 18, 1965 398 Print
8977 Bliss.... light kingdom.... May 19, 1965 849 Print
8978 Again and again God reveals Himself to His children.... May 21, 1965 372 Print
8979 Enlightened thinking is also a sign of the "working of the spirit".... May 22, 1965 703 Print
8980 Severe suffering can result in childship to God.... May 23, 1965 1646 Print
8981 Questions about the meaning and purpose of life on earth.... May 24, 1965 675 Print
8982 The extent of the natural disaster before the end.... May 25, 1965 983 Print
8983 The path under the cross must be taken by all people.... May 26, 1965 1127 Print
8984 Ascension of Jesus.... May 27, 1965 364 Print
8985 After reading the book "Karmatha".... May 28, 1965 375 Print
8986 Address of God must be desired.... May 30, 1965 394 Print
8987 Diversity of the celestial bodies.... May 31, 1965 867 Print
8988 Outpouring of the spirit was not a one-time event.... Jun 4, 1965 390 Print
8989 Natural disaster before the end.... Jun 5, 1965 686 Print
8990 Various schools of thought.... There is only one truth.... Jun 6, 1965 605 Print
8991 The doctrine of the soul’s sleep.... Jun 7, 1965 1197 Print
8992 Right direction of free will.... Jun 9, 1965 357 Print
8993 Requesting divine blessing.... Jun 11, 1965 390 Print
8994 God's protection for the light bearers.... Jun 13, 1965 341 Print
8995 Life in divine order.... Jun 14, 1965 335 Print
8996 The eternal word itself addresses you.... Jun 15, 1965 327 Print
8997 Time and space law.... state of the still imperfect.... Jun 17, 1965 592 Print
8998 God's protection to His employees.... Jun 18, 1965 341 Print
8999 Jesus descended into the abyss after His crucifixion.... Jun 20, 1965 625 Print
9000 God is aware of the human will.... Natural disaster.... Protection of the servants.... Jun 22, 1965 948 Print
9001 The infinite Love accomplished the act of Salvation.... Jun 24, 1965 411 Print
9002 Why constantly New Revelations?.... Jun 25, 1965 1140 Print
9003 Spiritual knowledge must concur with the transmitted Word from above.... I. Jun 28, 1965 387 Print
9004 Spiritual knowledge must concur with the Word conveyed from above.... II. Jun 29, 1965 400 Print
9005 What would have happened if Adam had not failed?.... Jul 1, 1965 1144 Print
9006 Why do we have to do penance for Adam's sin?.... Jul 2, 1965 925 Print
9007 Jesus' forerunner.... Jul 3, 1965 1140 Print
9008 The end will come for certain.... Jul 4, 1965 766 Print
9009 The human being’s true home.... Jul 6, 1965 671 Print
9010 Recognition and admission of guilt.... Jul 7, 1965 1338 Print
9011 The resistance reduces the power of love radiation.... Jul 8, 1965 357 Print
9012 The marvel of divine creation.... Jul 10, 1965 625 Print
9013 Which messages guarantee the truth.... Jul 12, 1965 858 Print
9014 Appeals for a gift of strength for the souls of the deceased.... Jul 13, 1965 1112 Print
9015 Pre-Adamites.... Jul 15, 1965 905 Print
9016 Time estimation not possible for people.... Jul 16, 1965 917 Print
9017 Sincerely pursue the thought of redemption through Jesus.... Jul 17, 1965 605 Print
9018 Sparks of light lure souls out of darkness.... Jul 18, 1965 625 Print
9019 First Corinthians, 2-10.... Jul 19, 1965 364 Print
9020 What fate is the world heading towards.... Jul 20, 1965 957 Print
9021 Divine promise to provide for man's earthly welfare.... Jul 21, 1965 356 Print
9022 Prehistoric people?.... Jul 22, 1965 597 Print
9023 Pre-historic people?.... Jul 23, 1965 616 Print
9024 Assurance of plain truth.... Jul 26, 1965 334 Print
9025 World conflagration.... Natural disaster.... Decision.... Aug 1, 1965 1394 Print
9026 Total dedication and complete submission of will.... Aug 5, 1965 828 Print
9027 Devaluation of the divine word (temporal).... Aug 7, 1965 300 Print
9028 Recalling the vineyard labourers.... Continuing diligent activity.... Aug 10, 1965 538 Print
9029 Only truth leads to the goal.... Aug 11, 1965 793 Print
9030 Warning about changing the Word of God.... Aug 23, 1965 591 Print