Book 87


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
8220 Testing the spirits.... The adversary's activity during the last days.... Jul 22, 1962 398 Print
8221 Limitation of knowledge.... Jul 23, 1962 189 Print
8222 Jesus has satisfied God's justice.... Jul 24, 1962 834 Print
8223 God's infinite Fatherly love.... Jul 25, 1962 567 Print
8224 The souls' agonising fate in the beyond.... Jul 26, 1962 371 Print
8225 Complete instruction.... Jul 27, 1962 386 Print
8226 The word inspires love activity.... Jul 28, 1962 441 Print
8227 Feeding the light from above.... Jul 29, 1962 174 Print
8228 Test the spirits.... Jul 30, 1962 562 Print
8229 Communion.... food and drink.... Jul 31, 1962 188 Print
8230 Eternal creator will of God.... Aug 1, 1962 368 Print
8231 Christ's Forerunner.... Aug 2, 1962 601 Print
8232 Love power current always leads back to God.... Aug 4, 1962 192 Print
8233 Conscious turning of the will towards God.... Aug 4, 1962 396 Print
8234 Right attitude in earth life.... Aug 6, 1962 195 Print
8235 Did the human being evolve or was he a new creation?.... Aug 9, 1962 613 Print
8236 Was Adam the only human being created by God?.... Aug 10, 1962 585 Print
8237 Was Adam the only human being created by God?.... Aug 11, 1962 402 Print
8238 Ecclesiastical organisation.... Aug 12, 1962 770 Print
8239 God's light of love is insight and knowledge.... Aug 13, 1962 364 Print
8240 God's abundant measure of grace before the end.... Aug 14, 1962 182 Print
8241 Upward trend takes place as the drop took place.... Aug 15, 1962 178 Print
8242 The mind should not be overestimated.... response - heart.... Aug 16, 1962 176 Print
8243 Informing the soul about earthly life.... Aug 17, 1962 746 Print
8244 Divine address proof of fatherly care.... Aug 18, 1962 369 Print
8245 Incarnation of many light beings in the last days.... Aug 19, 1962 739 Print
8246 Mission of the light beings.... Awakening of the spirit of God.... Redemptive work of Jesus Christ.... Aug 20, 1962 350 Print
8247 Few people know about the plan of salvation.... Aug 20, 1962 358 Print
8248 God's infinite love for His living creations.... Aug 22, 1962 366 Print
8249 Request for God's grace, power and blessing.... Aug 23, 1962 183 Print
8250 God and Jesus are one.... Human manifestation of God.... Aug 24, 1962 1570 Print
8251 Doubting divine revelations.... Aug 25, 1962 828 Print
8252 Time concept of earth's evolution.... Aug 26, 1962 569 Print
8253 The adversary clothed in light.... Paradise on the new earth.... Aug 27, 1962 412 Print
8254 Understanding the working of the spirit.... Aug 27, 1962 389 Print
8255 Effect of the love illumination.... Aug 28, 1962 171 Print
8256 Truthful knowledge of redemptive work.... Aug 29, 1962 343 Print
8257 Transformation to Love.... Aug 29, 1962 187 Print
8258 The reason for the earth` s restoration.... Aug 30, 1962 596 Print
8259 God's mission: to spread truth.... Aug 30, 1962 185 Print
8260 God's mission: spreading truth.... (Continuation to No. 8259) Aug 31, 1962 190 Print
8261 Bridging the gap from people to God.... Sep 1, 1962 186 Print
8262 The right intercourse with the spiritual world.... Sep 2, 1962 202 Print
8263 "God sent His son to earth.... " Sep 3, 1962 871 Print
8264 Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus.... Sep 5, 1962 544 Print
8265 Can God's existence be proven?.... Sep 6, 1962 564 Print
8266 Apostasy of the beings.... Voluntary ascent.... Sep 7, 1962 381 Print
8267 Trust in God's guidance.... Sep 8, 1962 169 Print
8268 Revelations are God's help towards ascent.... Sep 9, 1962 379 Print
8269 Strokes of fate.... disasters.... misfortunes.... Sep 10, 1962 377 Print
8270 Recognizing real revelations.... Sep 12, 1962 176 Print
8271 Knowing God also guarantees ascent.... Sep 13, 1962 196 Print
8272 Recognising the true messengers.... Sep 14, 1962 554 Print
8273 Reason for deformed births.... Sep 15, 1962 785 Print
8274 The last disciples - Knowledge of the essence of God.... Sep 16, 1962 175 Print
8275 God is inscrutable.... Sep 17, 1962 394 Print
8276 Teaching in the afterlife requires truth.... Sep 18, 1962 187 Print
8277 Signs of the last days.... Sep 20, 1962 773 Print
8278 Inner urging is God's will.... Cooperation needed.... Sep 21, 1962 175 Print
8279 General prayer actions.... Sep 22, 1962 184 Print
8280 Why Jesus Christ must be acknowledged.... Sep 23, 1962 531 Print
8281 Danger of arrogance.... Sep 24, 1962 947 Print
8282 The mystery of God’s human manifestation.... Sep 25, 1962 405 Print
8283 Process of apostasy.... Process of deification of the being.... Sep 26, 1962 369 Print
8284 Promises relating to divine revelations.... Sep 26, 1962 357 Print
8285 Purity of the divine spiritual good.... Sep 27, 1962 187 Print
8286 Explanation for unusual process.... Sep 28, 1962 185 Print
8287 1 Tessalonians 2, 13.... (according to Luther) Sep 30, 1962 180 Print
8288 Constant attacks by the enemy.... Light bearers.... Reincarnation.... Oct 1, 1962 372 Print
8289 God demands faith in His immense love.... Oct 2, 1962 381 Print
8290 False Christs and prophets.... Oct 3, 1962 667 Print
8291 Re-incarnation or possession?.... Oct 4, 1962 597 Print
8292 Contact with the world of light or the world of immature spirits.... Oct 5, 1962 400 Print
8293 Feeding the soul.... Oct 6, 1962 191 Print
8294 God's proof of love and presence.... Oct 8, 1962 183 Print
8295 Spiritual secrets.... Oct 9, 1962 181 Print
8296 Does God punish the children for the sins of the fathers?.... Oct 11, 1962 1221 Print
8297 God's justice.... Oct 12, 1962 385 Print
8298 "You shall have no foreign gods beside Me.... " Oct 14, 1962 383 Print
8299 Statement on dream state.... Oct 15, 1962 182 Print
8300 The mystery of love.... Oct 16, 1962 196 Print
8301 Bringing the small flock together.... Oct 17, 1962 371 Print
8302 God's unlimited love and its power.... Oct 18, 1962 183 Print
8303 The act of Salvation and its spiritual reason.... Oct 19, 1962 397 Print
8304 Destruction of Earth.... Oct 20, 1962 566 Print
8305 The Father's evidence of grace during the last days.... Oct 21, 1962 408 Print
8306 Sympathy and antipathy.... Oct 22, 1962 404 Print
8307 Warning against "spiritual leaders".... Oct 23, 1962 365 Print
8308 Jesus' activity on Earth.... Oct 23, 1962 540 Print
8309 God's answer directly or indirectly.... Oct 24, 1962 173 Print
8310 Announcement of the end and signs of the time.... Oct 25, 1962 934 Print
8311 Unleashed elements of nature.... Oct 27, 1962 591 Print
8312 Warning against medial receptions.... "Spiritual Guides".... Oct 28, 1962 368 Print
8313 God's power current.... Oct 29, 1962 473 Print
8314 Address to the vineyard workers.... Oct 30, 1962 181 Print
8315 The word from above lights a light.... Oct 31, 1962 200 Print
8316 The messengers along the path of ascent.... Nov 1, 1962 501 Print
8317 Fear and misery.... God's intervention - Battle of faith.... Nov 1, 1962 373 Print
8318 Transience of the earthly.... Intercession for souls.... Nov 2, 1962 404 Print
8319 Only love is bliss.... Nov 3, 1962 203 Print
8320 Supply of food and drink through the divine word.... Nov 4, 1962 191 Print
8321 Freedom from the enemy only through Jesus Christ.... Nov 5, 1962 195 Print
8322 “Do not worry about what you eat and drink....” Nov 6, 1962 556 Print
8323 Sermons of love.... Suffering and hardship shall awaken love.... Nov 7, 1962 364 Print
8324 People's attitude towards Mary, the mother of Jesus.... Nov 8, 1962 384 Print