Book 86


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
8109 Let the power of My word become effective.... Feb 24, 1962 388 Print
8110 The light of truth shines where it is desired.... Feb 25, 1962 186 Print
8111 Urgency of vineyard work.... Feb 27, 1962 190 Print
8112 Purification of Earth.... Feb 28, 1962 712 Print
8113 Love and suffering purify the soul.... Mar 1, 1962 389 Print
8114 God's protection to the light bearers.... Mar 2, 1962 180 Print
8115 God's mission: to transmit the light.... Mar 3, 1962 175 Print
8116 Only from God does truth emanate.... Mar 4, 1962 193 Print
8117 The soul's individuality.... Mar 5, 1962 548 Print
8118 Urgency and justification of the "revelations".... Mar 6, 1962 183 Print
8119 Test the output of spiritual teaching.... Mar 7, 1962 396 Print
8120 Reason for divine revelations.... Mar 9, 1962 370 Print
8121 The Word-reception is an act of freewill.... Mar 10, 1962 568 Print
8122 The last huge catastrophe.... Mar 11, 1962 382 Print
8123 Death is conquered.... Jesus and God is one.... Mar 12, 1962 381 Print
8124 God wants His essence to be known.... Mar 13, 1962 186 Print
8125 The knowledge of the nature of God is necessary.... Mar 14, 1962 382 Print
8126 Disciples of the end times.... Gifts of grace.... Evaluation.... Mar 15, 1962 191 Print
8127 Primordial centre of light and power.... Mar 17, 1962 424 Print
8128 Faith in God's presence.... Mar 18, 1962 690 Print
8129 The power of the divine spirit.... Mar 19, 1962 191 Print
8130 Earth renewal.... Mar 20, 1962 372 Print
8131 The passion of Jesus as a human being.... Mar 21, 1962 548 Print
8132 "Come to Me...." Words in hardship.... Mar 22, 1962 354 Print
8133 Spiritualization of immature substances.... Mar 23, 1962 371 Print
8134 Love imparts realisation.... Mar 24, 1962 436 Print
8135 Reception of the pure truth requires preconditions.... Mar 25, 1962 185 Print
8136 Exhortation to resist in the last days.... Mar 26, 1962 359 Print
8137 "Heaven and earth will pass away...." Mar 28, 1962 177 Print
8138 The living faith in the work of redemption.... Mar 29, 1962 184 Print
8139 "Take up your cross...." Mar 30, 1962 362 Print
8140 Feeding the light from above.... Mar 31, 1962 211 Print
8141 And the Word was made flesh.... ' Apr 3, 1962 1300 Print
8142 Light and power supply must be coveted.... Apr 4, 1962 182 Print
8143 Free decision of will.... Apr 5, 1962 391 Print
8144 The adversary's increased activity against light bearers.... Apr 6, 1962 553 Print
8145 John 7:38-39.... Apr 7, 1962 374 Print
8146 Opponents under the mask of an angel of light.... Apr 9, 1962 190 Print
8147 Call for diligent vineyard work.... Apr 10, 1962 177 Print
8148 Request for strength and grace is always granted.... Apr 11, 1962 360 Print
8149 Warning against medial reception.... Apr 12, 1962 532 Print
8150 The work of redemption need not be repeated.... Apr 14, 1962 177 Print
8151 Man needs the light.... Apr 15, 1962 603 Print
8152 The spiritual grounding of the work of redemption.... Apr 16, 1962 173 Print
8153 The word must also be brought to the people of the world.... Apr 17, 1962 384 Print
8154 Free will must receive the word.... Apr 18, 1962 178 Print
8155 The mission of the disciples.... Apr 19, 1962 186 Print
8156 Agonizing sufferings of Jesus Christ.... Incarnation of God.... Apr 20, 1962 357 Print
8157 Spiritual resurrection from the night of the grave.... Apr 21, 1962 237 Print
8158 Resurrection of Jesus.... Easter.... Apr 23, 1962 581 Print
8159 Intensified fight against the light.... Apr 25, 1962 178 Print
8160 Indirect and direct Word of God.... Apr 26, 1962 371 Print
8161 Fully maturing the soul.... Miracle healing - Compulsory faith.... Apr 27, 1962 410 Print
8162 Vineyard work before the end.... Apr 29, 1962 181 Print
8163 Turning the will to God is right decision.... Apr 30, 1962 174 Print
8164 'He that shall endure unto the end....' Apr 30, 1962 714 Print
8165 Bond with God guarantees truth and return.... May 1, 1962 184 Print
8166 Who is it Who speaks to you?.... May 3, 1962 198 Print
8167 Nothing is too tiny for God.... May 4, 1962 173 Print
8168 Gift of God: Love spark.... May 4, 1962 182 Print
8169 Recognizing the origin is giving up the resistance.... May 5, 1962 177 Print
8170 Conveyance of the truth from God is necessary.... May 6, 1962 177 Print
8171 The sacrifice of atonement of the man Jesus.... May 7, 1962 170 Print
8172 Free will must accept gifts of grace.... May 8, 1962 174 Print
8173 Establishing the right relationship with God.... May 9, 1962 174 Print
8174 Divine revelations spread light.... May 10, 1962 198 Print
8175 Truth of the end prophecies.... May 12, 1962 777 Print
8176 Death and life.... May 13, 1962 165 Print
8177 Acceptance of the stream of grace.... May 14, 1962 179 Print
8178 Isolation of God's servants through suffering.... Recovery.... May 15, 1962 363 Print
8179 Great power of the opponent by God.... May 16, 1962 177 Print
8180 About the doctrine of re-incarnation.... May 17, 1962 596 Print
8181 The power of the word becomes effective when resistance is broken.... May 18, 1962 181 Print
8182 The house-father provides for His servants.... May 19, 1962 351 Print
8183 God answers questions.... May 21, 1962 169 Print
8184 God's commission to the disciples of the end times.... Work of redemption.... May 22, 1962 182 Print
8185 Sacrificial death was not allowed to force into faith.... May 24, 1962 391 Print
8186 Requirement of power in the end time.... May 26, 1962 353 Print
8187 Spiritual treasures in the kingdom beyond.... May 27, 1962 190 Print
8188 Spiritual and earthly turn.... May 30, 1962 191 Print
8189 The Ascension of Jesus Christ.... May 31, 1962 570 Print
8190 Claiming divine power.... Jun 7, 1962 177 Print
8191 Way back from the depths to the heights.... Jun 9, 1962 378 Print
8192 Commencement of receiving the Word 25 years ago (15th June 1937) Jun 15, 1962 406 Print
8193 25 years.... Jun 16, 1962 210 Print
8194 Commemorate the end.... Jun 17, 1962 183 Print
8195 God needs His servants and promises them protection.... Jun 20, 1962 187 Print
8196 Faith - love and listening inwards - conditions.... Jun 21, 1962 178 Print
8197 Weak faith or unbelief.... Jun 24, 1962 362 Print
8198 Again and again the gospel must be purified.... Jun 23, 1962 178 Print
8199 Where two or three are gathered in My name.... Jun 25, 1962 182 Print
8200 Great meaning of a love life.... Jun 26, 1962 180 Print
8201 My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?.... Jun 27, 1962 740 Print
8202 Exceptional help at the time of misery.... Jun 29, 1962 583 Print
8203 Acquiring spiritual treasures on earth.... Jun 30, 1962 182 Print
8204 Bad influence of immature souls from the beyond.... Jul 2, 1962 541 Print
8205 Warning against altering divine revelations.... Jul 3, 1962 380 Print
8206 Purpose of harsh strokes of fate: Bond with God.... Jul 4, 1962 409 Print
8207 Incarnated beings of light.... The working of the spirit - Channeled communications.... Jul 6, 1962 368 Print
8208 Criticism of the divine word proves spiritual arrogance.... Jul 7, 1962 370 Print
8209 The value of a "living" faith.... Jul 8, 1962 362 Print
8210 Spiritual knowledge proves awakening and bond with God.... Jul 10, 1962 407 Print
8211 "Many are called, few only chosen...." Jul 11, 1962 183 Print
8212 Unity of ecclesiastical denominations?.... Jul 12, 1962 530 Print
8213 "I pour out My Spirit...." Jul 13, 1962 199 Print
8214 "Working of the spirit" in spiritual exchange of ideas.... Jul 14, 1962 364 Print
8215 Creation helps the dead being to live.... Jul 15, 1962 192 Print
8216 The transformation of the original spirit into creations.... Jul 16, 1962 953 Print
8217 God's power of love must become active.... Jul 17, 1962 178 Print
8218 God's love also works in legal order.... Jul 19, 1962 174 Print
8219 'Judging' the souls at the end.... Jul 21, 1962 944 Print