Book 85


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
8041 Requested clarification regarding food.... Nov 17, 1961 223 Print
8042 God's great love.... Nov 18, 1961 729 Print
8043 God seeks to inspire reciprocal love.... Nov 20, 1961 201 Print
8044 Strengthened action of the opponent.... Nov 21, 1961 187 Print
8045 Striving for living faith.... Nov 22, 1961 372 Print
8046 Blessing of sufferings and hardships for the people.... Nov 23, 1961 366 Print
8047 Domination of the opponent at the end.... Nov 24, 1961 200 Print
8048 Grace of God‘s address.... Nov 25, 1961 364 Print
8049 Sparks of love in man.... Awakening the spirit.... Nov 27, 1961 244 Print
8050 Doubting the transfer of pure truth.... Nov 28, 1961 399 Print
8051 No mechanical reception.... understanding this.... Nov 29, 1961 196 Print
8052 Free will is decisive.... Dec 1, 1961 202 Print
8053 Feeding the truth.... Positive power.... Dec 2, 1961 211 Print
8054 Is the Bible completed.... Dec 3, 1961 1240 Print
8055 Testing of the will of the first-created being.... Dec 5, 1961 387 Print
8056 Understanding spiritual knowledge.... Dec 6, 1961 247 Print
8057 God's unusual help.... Dec 7, 1961 201 Print
8058 Incentive for vineyard work.... Dec 8, 1961 191 Print
8059 Belief in the soul's continuation of life.... Dec 9, 1961 753 Print
8060 Promise: 'The outpouring of the spirit....' Dec 11, 1961 180 Print
8061 "He who listens to you, listens to Me Myself...." Dec 12, 1961 181 Print
8062 God's justice.... Judgment.... Work of redemption.... Dec 13, 1961 372 Print
8063 Spiritual petition: Prayer for grace and strength.... Dec 15, 1961 364 Print
8064 Introspection.... Dec 16, 1961 917 Print
8065 The Messiah came to the world.... Dec 19, 1961 377 Print
8066 2 Peter 3:10.... Dec 21, 1961 1217 Print
8067 Meaning of the love commandments.... Love became cold.... Dec 22, 1961 388 Print
8068 The Eternal Light descended to Earth.... Dec 25, 1961 386 Print
8069 Teaching ministry.... 'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise....' Dec 28, 1961 439 Print
8070 Draw from the spring the water of life.... Dec 30, 1961 206 Print
8071 The earth's last hour.... Jan 2, 1962 736 Print
8072 The near end demands increased vineyard work.... Jan 5, 1962 576 Print
8073 Granting prayers.... The right relationship of a child with its Father.... Jan 6, 1962 392 Print
8074 Are you living in truth?.... Jan 7, 1962 549 Print
8075 Every being fell and ascends voluntarily.... Jan 8, 1962 412 Print
8076 Blessing from the connection with God.... Jan 10, 1962 703 Print
8077 God's spirit does not contradict itself.... Jan 11, 1962 388 Print
8078 God's help is assured for you.... Jan 12, 1962 178 Print
8079 Redeemer work in the kingdom beyond.... Jan 14, 1962 182 Print
8080 Through natural events God reveals His power.... Jan 15, 1962 580 Print
8081 Forerunner.... Visible appearance.... The time is fulfilled.... Jan 17, 1962 421 Print
8082 God is love.... Jan 19, 1962 969 Print
8083 Activity in the beyond.... Giving out the truth.... Jan 20, 1962 370 Print
8084 Proof of love of God: love for the neighbour.... Jan 21, 1962 388 Print
8085 Predetermined intervals of time as periods of Salvation.... Jan 22, 1962 600 Print
8086 Escort of the leading spirit.... Jan 24, 1962 198 Print
8087 Verifying the truth.... Jan 25, 1962 353 Print
8088 Knowledge of the eternal plan of Salvation.... Jan 27, 1962 394 Print
8089 Darkness means lack of knowledge.... Struggle between light and darkness.... Jan 28, 1962 182 Print
8090 Battle of faith.... Adversity.... Rapture.... Jan 29, 1962 387 Print
8091 Human manifestation in Jesus .... Jan 30, 1962 578 Print
8092 Divine revelation for **all** I-conscious beings.... Feb 1, 1962 181 Print
8093 Ultimate goal is union with God.... Feb 2, 1962 379 Print
8094 Influence of the beings of light on man.... Free will.... Feb 3, 1962 180 Print
8095 God is in us.... He is present to us.... Feb 6, 1962 670 Print
8096 The work of changing into love and faith.... Feb 7, 1962 411 Print
8097 God's love pursues people.... Creation love proof.... Feb 8, 1962 187 Print
8098 God reveals Himself in times of spiritual hardship.... Feb 9, 1962 590 Print
8099 Right vessels for the light.... for the truth.... Feb 11, 1962 230 Print
8100 God's protection for His vessels.... Loving father words.... Feb 12, 1962 181 Print
8101 Blessing of loving intercession.... Feb 13, 1962 367 Print
8102 Jesus has built the bridge.... Feb 15, 1962 575 Print
8103 Taking refuge in Jesus.... The adversary's activity.... Feb 16, 1962 372 Print
8104 Reason for the catastrophe.... Feb 17, 1962 758 Print
8105 Participation of the light beings in the work of creation.... Feb 19, 1962 369 Print
8106 God wants to be known.... Reasons for the revelations.... Feb 20, 1962 363 Print
8107 God: Love - wisdom - power.... Feb 21, 1962 179 Print
8108 What is meant by "eternities".... Feb 22, 1962 363 Print