Book 62


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
5609 Effective medicine of the soul: God’s word.... Feb 22, 1953 69 Print
5610 Satan's nature.... Fall and redemption.... Feb 26, 1953 455 Print
5611 Slow course of development.... Feb 27, 1953 69 Print
5612 First created being.... Light bearer.... Apostasy from God.... Feb 28, 1953 1070 Print
5613 Condition for receiving spiritual good.... Mar 5, 1953 69 Print
5614 Spiritual good.... lightning fast knowledge.... assistance.... Mar 7, 1953 71 Print
5615 Harvest work.... worker in the vineyard.... Mar 8, 1953 65 Print
5616 Comforting Fatherly Words.... Mar 8, 1953 610 Print
5617 The Father’s house and beatitude .... Mar 9, 1953 912 Print
5618 Disciples of the end time.... sendlings of God.... Mar 9, 1953 76 Print
5619 Power from God.... Mar 10, 1953 80 Print
5620 God's mercy towards people.... Mar 10, 1953 68 Print
5621 Battle of faith.... Antichrist.... Public confession.... Mar 11, 1953 699 Print
5622 God's gift of love.... free will.... mercy.... Mar 11, 1953 65 Print
5623 Beingness of God visible in Jesus Christ.... Mar 13, 1953 69 Print
5624 Blessed lot and activity in the spiritual realm.... Mar 13, 1953 143 Print
5625 Burden of sin.... Jesus Christ saviour.... Mar 14, 1953 69 Print
5626 Administration of the office God has given.... Mar 14, 1953 69 Print
5627 Fight with the sword of the tongue.... Truth.... Mar 15, 1953 577 Print
5628 World mind.... spiritual knowledge.... heart.... Mar 16, 1953 67 Print
5629 Retreat into silence.... time of need.... Mar 18, 1953 320 Print
5630 Spiritual turning point.... Alteration of this earth.... Mar 19, 1953 433 Print
5631 Create and work for eternity.... Mar 20, 1953 69 Print
5632 Surrendering the will to God.... Mar 21, 1953 422 Print
5633 Love acknowledges Jesus Christ.... lovelessness rejects Him.... Mar 23, 1953 75 Print
5634 God's fatherly love always hands out.... Mar 24, 1953 67 Print
5635 All willingness to help is blessed by God.... Mar 25, 1953 399 Print
5636 Carry out the gospel.... Mar 26, 1953 64 Print
5637 Promise of life.... death.... powerlessness.... Mar 27, 1953 68 Print
5638 Spreading the truth urgently needed.... Mar 28, 1953 74 Print
5639 Reference to last rescue work.... Mar 29, 1953 80 Print
5640 The bridge into the spiritual kingdom.... Jesus.... Mar 30, 1953 403 Print
5641 Confusion during the last days.... Truth.... Mar 31, 1953 240 Print
5642 Gifts of the spirit.... Apr 1, 1953 136 Print
5643 Good Friday.... The path to Golgotha.... Apr 3, 1953 395 Print
5644 Easter.... resurrection - overcoming death.... Apr 5, 1953 164 Print
5645 How long Lucifer could create?.... Apr 6, 1953 442 Print
5646 The deepest knowledge was revealed to Jesus.... following Jesus.... Apr 8, 1953 136 Print
5647 'Whoever is loved by God....' Apr 9, 1953 954 Print
5648 Earthly destiny corresponds to will.... Apr 11, 1953 433 Print
5649 Heaven's food.... source of life.... (soul food) Apr 11, 1953 83 Print
5650 Spiritual rebirth.... Apr 12, 1953 446 Print
5651 Guiding the blind.... Apr 13, 1953 84 Print
5652 Serious reminder to vineyard work.... Apr 15, 1953 154 Print
5653 Prayer in spirit and in truth.... Apr 16, 1953 161 Print
5654 Day of Salvation or Day of Judgment?.... Apr 18, 1953 781 Print
5655 Total disintegration of Earth.... Spiritualisation.... Apr 19, 1953 409 Print
5656 Knowledge of plan of salvation from eternity.... Apr 20, 1953 141 Print
5657 Why the gospel teaches only love.... deeper knowledge.... (fire of love radiates light and wisdom) Apr 21, 1953 148 Print
5658 Rejecting the truth.... fighting light and darkness.... Apr 22, 1953 72 Print
5659 Large period between the beginning and end of an epoch.... Apr 24, 1953 146 Print
5660 Struggle of faith.... power to confess.... Apr 26, 1953 140 Print
5661 Transmission of spiritual messages.... love and wisdom.... humility.... Apr 28, 1953 76 Print
5662 No God of wrath and vengeance.... love and mercy.... Apr 29, 1953 77 Print
5663 Mental disorders - temptations.... patience.... Apr 30, 1953 156 Print
5664 Work for the kingdom of God.... good house father.... May 1, 1953 75 Print
5665 Will to God.... power in the last fight.... power from God.... May 2, 1953 144 Print
5666 Bliss in the kingdom of light .... Pleasures and delights .... May 3, 1953 584 Print
5667 Right path with Jesus Christ as leader.... May 4, 1953 354 Print
5668 Truth - lie.... light and darkness.... May 5, 1953 83 Print
5669 Spiritual work in all schools of thought.... right representatives.... May 6, 1953 141 Print
5670 The works of the flesh will be revealed.... Beyond.... May 7, 1953 394 Print
5671 Foreign Gods.... ceremonies.... bowl - core.... truth.... May 9, 1953 78 Print
5672 Test of will on earth.... following Jesus.... connection.... May 10, 1953 192 Print
5673 Connection with God.... blessing for proclaimers of the gospel.... May 11, 1953 73 Print
5674 Prayer in spirit and in truth.... May 12, 1953 80 Print
5675 Calling upon the beings of light.... Prior connection with the Father.... May 13, 1953 571 Print
5676 Working of the light beings.... truth - error.... May 14, 1953 79 Print
5677 False Christs and prophets.... Satan's mask.... May 16, 1953 611 Print
5678a Fulfilment of predictions.... Preceding disaster.... May 18, 1953 384 Print
5678b Fulfilment of predictions.... Preceding disaster.... May 18, 1953 428 Print
5679 Using life force to love.... love power.... May 19, 1953 72 Print
5680 Retreating into silence.... coming riots.... May 21, 1953 154 Print
5681 Love is the highest.... May 22, 1953 150 Print
5682 Otherworldly souls pursue spiritual work.... May 23, 1953 74 Print
5683 Outpouring of the spirit.... healing the sick, working miracles.... May 24, 1953 76 Print
5684 God's oversized love.... May 25, 1953 75 Print
5685 God's blessing on redemption work.... vineyard work.... May 26, 1953 73 Print
5686 Right prayer is the bridge to God.... Jesus Christ.... The bridge to Me is the prayer.... May 27, 1953 810 Print
5687 Signs of the end: cooled love.... May 29, 1953 146 Print
5688 Mediatior office.... feeding a gift of grace.... May 30, 1953 70 Print
5689 God wants to be recognised through Creation as Love.... May 31, 1953 651 Print
5690 Maturing only through love.... Jun 1, 1953 284 Print
5691 Awakening the spiritual spark through love.... Jun 2, 1953 79 Print
5692 Reduced resistance of the bound before the end.... Jun 3, 1953 67 Print
5693 Primal law: love.... Jun 5, 1953 155 Print
5694 Essence of God.... power.... Jun 10, 1953 76 Print
5695 Direct your senses spiritually.... Jun 11, 1953 77 Print
5696 Death of the body beginning of real life.... Jun 12, 1953 83 Print
5697 Beginning.... eternity.... order.... perfection.... Jun 13, 1953 71 Print
5698 Incentive to work in the vineyard of the lord.... Jun 14, 1953 72 Print
5699 'You truly have a Father'.... Father and child relationship.... Jun 16, 1953 634 Print
5700 What is truth?.... Where can it be found?.... Jun 17, 1953 382 Print
5701 ‘Test the spirits....’ False Christs and prophets.... Jun 19, 1953 577 Print
5702 Limits of knowledge.... Jun 20, 1953 68 Print
5703 Purpose for creation.... Process of evolution.... Jun 21, 1953 385 Print
5704 Own responsibility.... statement on truth.... Jun 22, 1953 66 Print
5705 Serious admonition.... Materialistic outlook.... Jun 22, 1953 643 Print
5706 Faith in God.... revelation.... truth.... Jun 24, 1953 294 Print
5707 "Create and work...." endless long night.... Jun 25, 1953 80 Print
5708 Deciding for the right lord.... Jun 26, 1953 75 Print
5709 Free will basic law.... test of will of the spiritual.... Jun 27, 1953 70 Print
5710 Book of Books.... God's Word.... Jun 28, 1953 437 Print
5711 Warning to intersperse spiritual receptions with ideas.... Jun 29, 1953 166 Print
5712 Sudden end even for the believers.... Jun 30, 1953 778 Print
5713 Forwarding the divine word.... blessing.... Jul 1, 1953 75 Print
5714 Help for weak souls in the afterlife.... Jul 2, 1953 143 Print
5715 The Word of God.... Ray of light.... The door of your heart.... Guest.... Jul 3, 1953 435 Print
5716 God speaks through the mouth of man.... Jul 5, 1953 71 Print
5717 Thought currents correspond to will.... Jul 6, 1953 416 Print
5718 Spiritual low.... turnaround impossible.... end.... Jul 7, 1953 76 Print
5719 Strength of faith.... Antichrist.... Counteraction.... Jul 9, 1953 742 Print
5720 The right kind of prayer.... Relationship of a child with the Father.... Jul 10, 1953 403 Print
5721 Last decision.... confess before the world.... Jul 11, 1953 73 Print
5722 Origin of matter.... electrons.... Jul 13, 1953 140 Print
5723 Signs of the end.... Jul 14, 1953 410 Print
5724 Salvation through Jesus Christ.... Jul 16, 1953 443 Print
5725 Carry My Gospel into the world .... Jul 17, 1953 587 Print
5726 Strong faith.... Following Jesus.... Jul 18, 1953 913 Print
5727 "Perfect you shall become, as your father in...." Jul 19, 1953 209 Print
5728 Right light in the dark of night.... right way.... Jul 20, 1953 141 Print
5729 Utilizing the time of grace before the end.... Jul 21, 1953 794 Print
5730 Power of the word.... weakness of will - little faith.... Jul 22, 1953 76 Print
5731 Task of God's servants: spreading truth.... Jul 24, 1953 153 Print
5732 Otherworldly listeners.... questions.... about Jesus Christ.... blessings.... Jul 27, 1953 69 Print
5733 Jesus Christ, leader on the right path.... Jul 28, 1953 530 Print
5734 Process of transmission of spiritual gifts.... power.... Jul 31, 1953 70 Print
5735 God's love and grace pursues all people.... Aug 1, 1953 69 Print
5736 Power of the divine word.... soul maturity.... Aug 2, 1953 123 Print
5737 Help for the lost on earth and in the hereafter.... intercession.... Aug 3, 1953 154 Print
5738 Spiritual progress through self-denial.... Aug 4, 1953 429 Print
5739 God's presence.... carelessness.... Aug 5, 1953 81 Print
5740 Salvation from the deep.... rescue work.... Aug 6, 1953 205 Print
5741 Change of will in freedom.... Perfection.... Aug 7, 1953 605 Print
5742 Earth life end in itself or means to an end.... nature of God.... Aug 8, 1953 72 Print
5743 Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants.... Aug 9, 1953 1054 Print
5744 God's message to rationalists.... Deniers of God.... Aug 11, 1953 571 Print
5745 God's Word is felt as a flow of strength by the souls in the beyond.... Aug 12, 1953 394 Print
5746 Spreading the Gospel on God's behalf.... Aug 13, 1953 418 Print
5747 Belief in Jesus Christ's mission.... Truthful instruction.... Aug 15, 1953 404 Print
5748 Work in the vineyard.... living faith in God and in Jesus Christ.... Aug 16, 1953 61 Print
5749 Winning people for God.... God is love.... Aug 17, 1953 80 Print
5750 Earth - School for the spirit.... Means to an end.... An end in itself.... Aug 19, 1953 253 Print
5751 Free will.... God's will.... Divine order.... Aug 21, 1953 446 Print
5752 Light of knowledge in dark night.... Aug 23, 1953 71 Print
5753 Listening to God's voice.... Aug 24, 1953 992 Print
5754 Attitude of intellectuals regarding spiritual gifts.... Aug 25, 1953 416 Print
5755 At the end of the earth gate to the spiritual realm closed.... Aug 26, 1953 90 Print
5756 Father words.... "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...." Aug 29, 1953 80 Print
5757 Free will.... earth fate.... Aug 30, 1953 74 Print
5758 Shaping the heart to the temple of God.... Aug 31, 1953 141 Print