Book 61


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
5510 God's presence.... faith without love.... Oct 18, 1952 63 Print
5511 God's essence is love.... Oct 19, 1952 130 Print
5512 God’s word proof of His love and mercy.... Oct 21, 1952 64 Print
5513 Wrestling in the spiritual world.... intercession and recitation of the gospel.... Oct 22, 1952 124 Print
5514 God's call for power.... power from below.... Oct 23, 1952 130 Print
5515 Purification of the heart as the temple of God.... Oct 24, 1952 330 Print
5516 Grace and will.... Oct 25, 1952 67 Print
5517 Love of the world.... Serious admonition.... Oct 26, 1952 624 Print
5518 Awakening spiritual hunger.... Oct 27, 1952 355 Print
5519 Conveying the pure Gospel is necessary.... Oct 28, 1952 393 Print
5520 Attitude determines the spiritual sphere and its work.... Oct 29, 1952 65 Print
5521 Joint work from the spiritual and earthly realms before the end.... Oct 31, 1952 58 Print
5522 Childhood of God only on earth.... further development in the hereafter.... Nov 1, 1952 64 Print
5523 "He who believes in Me shall live for ever...." Nov 2, 1952 180 Print
5524 World turn.... Nov 4, 1952 69 Print
5525 Proclaiming the gospel in times of need.... Nov 5, 1952 63 Print
5526 Spiritual hardship greater than earthly.... The adversary's activity.... Nov 6, 1952 732 Print
5527 Convinced confess in the struggle of faith.... Nov 7, 1952 106 Print
5528 Persecution of the disciples of the last days.... Nov 8, 1952 755 Print
5529 Love and faith are missing people.... proclaiming in love of success.... Nov 9, 1952 66 Print
5530 God Himself as teacher.... truth - light.... Nov 10, 1952 58 Print
5531 Spiritual reception - mind work.... worker in the vineyard.... Nov 11, 1952 66 Print
5532 Doubt.... elevated truth.... light.... shadow.... Nov 14, 1952 56 Print
5533 Fullness of the divine power of love could be received by every human being.... Nov 14, 1952 54 Print
5534 Participation in the redemptive work of Christ.... following Jesus.... Nov 15, 1952 64 Print
5535 Satan's activity.... Nov 16, 1952 557 Print
5536 Will to help and work of the beings of light.... Nov 17, 1952 391 Print
5537 God's blessing hand over those who want to help.... Nov 20, 1952 66 Print
5538 Wake-up call before the long night.... Nov 21, 1952 60 Print
5539a Presence of God.... love.... Nov 22, 1952 76 Print
5539b Power of love.... Nov 23, 1952 58 Print
5540 Why Jesus Christ and His work of redemption must be recognized.... Nov 25, 1952 57 Print
5541 Bridge from child to father.... Nov 26, 1952 83 Print
5542 Relief of faith through the word from above.... Nov 27, 1952 70 Print
5543 Redemption work.... success through love.... asking for blessing.... Nov 28, 1952 69 Print
5544 A fair amount of measure of grace.... Nov 29, 1952 76 Print
5545 Complete devotion to God ensures paternal care.... Nov 30, 1952 202 Print
5546 Spiritual compulsion.... Doctrines.... Truth.... Dec 2, 1952 371 Print
5547 True Christianity.... Dec 5, 1952 377 Print
5548 True Christianity.... Following Jesus.... Dec 5, 1952 366 Print
5549 Spurning the power of God.... (His word).... Dec 6, 1952 59 Print
5550 Serious reminder to work on the soul.... Dec 7, 1952 197 Print
5551 Miracle-work of the child Jesus.... Dec 9, 1952 562 Print
5552 Interpretation of the words of Christ.... feeding the pure gospel.... Dec 11, 1952 140 Print
5553 Radiance of God's love is bliss.... restriction in life.... Dec 12, 1952 59 Print
5554 The blessing of spiritual knowledge in the beyond.... Dec 12, 1952 570 Print
5555 Freedom of will.... Jesus Christ.... Dec 13, 1952 57 Print
5556 Spiritual adversity: untruth.... false picture of God.... Dec 14, 1952 124 Print
5557 Earthly task: Volition.... Wrong endeavour.... Dec 15, 1952 376 Print
5558 Care of people by beings of light.... Dec 16, 1952 68 Print
5559 Truth light effect.... error no bliss in the hereafter.... Dec 17, 1952 60 Print
5560 Compulsory state.... free will decision.... Dec 19, 1952 63 Print
5561 Serving in a state of compulsion.... and in love in free will.... Dec 20, 1952 60 Print
5562 "Receive and eat, this is My flesh...." Dec 22, 1952 64 Print
5563 Let there be light.... Dec 24, 1952 196 Print
5564 The Father's voice.... Dec 25, 1952 355 Print
5565 Confused thinking - Spiritual adversity.... Free will.... Dec 26, 1952 898 Print
5566 God's commission to His disciples.... Dec 29, 1952 68 Print
5567 Impending turning point .... Dec 31, 1952 376 Print
5568 Right directed desire.... (new year) Jan 1, 1953 59 Print
5569 When is pure truth guaranteed through the working of the spirit?.... Jan 3, 1953 389 Print
5570 Counteracting of satan where spiritual striving is.... Jan 4, 1953 60 Print
5571a Formalities, ceremonies.... True church service.... Jan 6, 1953 574 Print
5571b Formalities, ceremonies.... True church service.... Jan 7, 1953 772 Print
5572 He knows that he has not much time left.... Jan 9, 1953 533 Print
5573 God's blessing on vineyard work.... Jan 10, 1953 62 Print
5574 Igniting the spark of God in man.... Jan 11, 1953 59 Print
5575 Opportunities for attaining the childship to God.... Jan 12, 1953 402 Print
5576 Evidences of connections to the spiritual realm.... Jan 13, 1953 64 Print
5577 God's spirit in the man Jesus.... following.... Jan 14, 1953 318 Print
5578a Free will.... (after talking about "fasting and praying"....) Jan 16, 1953 71 Print
5578b Free will.... (after talking about "fasting and praying"....) Jan 16, 1953 61 Print
5579 Purpose of suffering and misery.... Jan 17, 1953 55 Print
5580 Spiritual guidance on all paths.... Jan 18, 1953 66 Print
5581 Nullity of earthly worries.... Jan 19, 1953 136 Print
5582 Divine mercy.... Jan 20, 1953 58 Print
5583 Living connection - receiving the divine word.... Jan 21, 1953 59 Print
5584 Salvation of erring souls is the work of the servants in the vineyard.... Jan 23, 1953 145 Print
5585 The fate in the hereafter is determined by the will of man.... Jan 24, 1953 73 Print
5586 God Himself will appear.... Jan 25, 1953 72 Print
5587 Humility.... Jan 27, 1953 332 Print
5588 False gods.... divine worship.... (antichrist?) Jan 28, 1953 61 Print
5589 Sudden end amid the ecstasy of worldly pleasure.... Jan 29, 1953 541 Print
5590 Sudden retrieval.... Jan 30, 1953 65 Print
5591 Distress of souls in the deep.... intercessions.... Jan 30, 1953 197 Print
5592 "I am the light of the world...." light is truth.... Feb 1, 1953 245 Print
5593 God does not condemn but wants to redeem.... Feb 2, 1953 736 Print
5594 Serious admonition and warning of transience.... Feb 3, 1953 396 Print
5595 Will determines the grant of grace.... grace.... Feb 6, 1953 135 Print
5596 Effect of the divine word to the otherworldly beings.... Feb 8, 1953 61 Print
5597 Love is the Christ-life in man.... "My yoke is gentle...." Feb 9, 1953 61 Print
5598 "I am from eternity...." Lucifer's creation.... Apr 10, 1953 139 Print
5599 Need of the secluded souls.... love of the people help.... Feb 11, 1953 128 Print
5600 Power of the divine word.... Feb 12, 1953 66 Print
5601 Good doctor of souls.... healing remedies.... Feb 13, 1953 131 Print
5602 Remember the soul after death.... pitiful figures in the afterlife.... Feb 14, 1953 135 Print
5603 Two different worlds.... Feb 15, 1953 65 Print
5604 "Many are called, but few are chosen...." Feb 17, 1953 142 Print
5605 Awakening the dead through God's Word.... Feb 18, 1953 953 Print
5606 The Antichrist's influence before the end.... Feb 19, 1953 756 Print
5607 Rapture.... Feb 20, 1953 921 Print
5608 Offering guidance on life's way.... word of God.... Feb 21, 1953 67 Print