Book 54


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
4680 Value of divine revelations.... Jun 30, 1949 57 Print
4681 Outpouring of the spirit.... task of the servant of God.... Jul 2, 1949 50 Print
4682 Judgement of supernatural working.... (Gröning ?) Jul 4, 1949 52 Print
4683 Lord's right sendings.... gift of speech.... Jul 6, 1949 64 Print
4684 Power of satan.... "Watch and pray...." Jul 8, 1949 100 Print
4685 Light being embodied.... mission.... childhood of God.... Jul 9, 1949 56 Print
4686 Rights leaders.... messengers of God.... Jul 9, 1949 96 Print
4687 Subordination of the will under the divine will.... Jul 10, 1949 106 Print
4688 Devils of the end time.... beyond closed.... new banishment.... Jul 12, 1949 151 Print
4689 Pure gospel.... "My word endures until...." Jul 14, 1949 58 Print
4690 Small community at the end.... misery - loyalty.... Jul 15, 1949 55 Print
4691 Man's life task.... Jul 17, 1949 103 Print
4692 Remodeling the earth in a moment.... miracle of creation.... Jul 18, 1949 109 Print
4693 Good shepherd.... guide.... carefree living.... Jul 19, 1949 50 Print
4694 Expression of the spirit dependent on maturity of soul and receptivity.... Jul 20, 1949 52 Print
4695 The word of God proof of His love.... Jul 22, 1949 93 Print
4696 Knowledge.... love - truth - God.... Jul 23, 1949 57 Print
4697 Help to erring souls greatest work of love and mercy.... Jul 25, 1949 110 Print
4698 Coming need.... living faith.... test of faith.... Jul 26, 1949 135 Print
4699 Right knowledge - right way of life.... truth.... Jul 26, 1949 53 Print
4700 Hearing the divine Word.... Thoughts.... Jul 28, 1949 408 Print
4701 Explanation of the stigma... Jul 31, 1949 55 Print
4702 Turning the will to God passing the earth life test.... Aug 1, 1949 55 Print
4703 Various apostasy from God.... Different distances.... Aug 2, 1949 399 Print
4704 Loving Fatherly Words.... Guidance.... Aug 4, 1949 401 Print
4705 Thirst for knowledge.... Unlimited knowledge.... Aug 5, 1949 418 Print
4706 Charity.... Aug 7, 1949 320 Print
4707 Traditional faith.... Conventional faith.... Misguided teachings.... Aug 7, 1949 405 Print
4708 Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction of earth.... Aug 9, 1949 750 Print
4709 Love power of the soul.... perfection.... Aug 10, 1949 102 Print
4710 Spiritual exchange of thoughts.... Aug 10, 1949 363 Print
4711 Overcoming matter.... Aug 12, 1949 53 Print
4712 Assisting in the work of redemption.... spreading the gospel.... Aug 13, 1949 65 Print
4713 World wisdom - spiritual knowledge.... Aug 14, 1949 53 Print
4714 Reference to the end and the intervention of God.... Aug 15, 1949 56 Print
4715 Extraordinary gift of grace obliges to pass on.... Aug 16, 1949 108 Print
4716 Gift of speech testimony to the work of the spirit.... Aug 17, 1949 168 Print
4717 Narrow, thorny path to height.... world people.... Aug 19, 1949 112 Print
4718 Bliss of the soul in receiving the divine word.... Aug 21, 1949 52 Print
4719 Dissolution of the old earth and resurrection in the moment.... Aug 21, 1949 52 Print
4720 Shield of faith.... Trust.... God's protection.... Aug 22, 1949 717 Print
4721 Christ head of His church.... members of the true church.... Aug 22, 1949 115 Print
4722 Lack of faith.... assurance of God's help.... Aug 24, 1949 118 Print
4723 Immortality of soul.... Wrong doctrine.... Aug 25, 1949 572 Print
4724 The catastrophe and its consequences.... Neighbourly love.... Aug 27, 1949 524 Print
4725 Earth destiny.... surrender to God's will.... Aug 27, 1949 51 Print
4726 'My sheep know My voice....' Resistance.... Aug 28, 1949 810 Print
4727 Spiritual gifts God's pledge of love.... presence of God.... Aug 29, 1949 54 Print
4728 The Antichrist's scourge.... Aug 29, 1949 370 Print
4729 God - truth - love are one.... truth.... Aug 30, 1949 48 Print
4730 "He who is not for Me is against Me...." Aug 31, 1949 51 Print
4731 Experiments towards the end of the earth.... Activating forces.... Sep 1, 1949 906 Print
4732 Unit of the soul with the spirit.... Sep 4, 1949 105 Print
4733 Tolerance.... Sep 7, 1949 376 Print
4734 Earthly activity necessary for servants of God.... profession.... Sep 9, 1949 98 Print
4735 Signs of the end time.... Sep 10, 1949 223 Print
4736 God speaks to man through the heart.... Sep 11, 1949 179 Print
4737 God’s word proof of His presence.... Sep 12, 1949 53 Print
4738 "Learn to believe...." assurance from God's protection.... Sep 13, 1949 62 Print
4739 Every path is marked out for servants of God.... Sep 15, 1949 51 Print
4740 Responsibility for accepting misguided teachings.... Sep 16, 1949 536 Print
4741 Desire for truth condition.... Sep 17, 1949 50 Print
4742 Reminder to work diligently for the kingdom of God.... Sep 18, 1949 751 Print
4743 Intercession for spiritual welfare.... Sep 19, 1949 98 Print
4744 ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise....’ Sep 20, 1949 190 Print
4745 Trials to strengthen faith.... Sep 21, 1949 49 Print
4746 Prayer in spirit and in truth.... Sep 22, 1949 364 Print
4747 Sign of the near end: spiritual decline.... Apparent state of peace.... Sep 25, 1949 940 Print
4748 Astrology.... Destiny in the stars.... Sep 27, 1949 753 Print
4749 Exhortation to living faith.... thoughts.... Sep 29, 1949 101 Print
4750 Earthly care unnecessary.... God's help.... Sep 30, 1949 50 Print
4751 Spreading the doctrine of love task of the servants of God.... Oct 1, 1949 59 Print
4752 Worshipping the mother of God.... Oct 2, 1949 740 Print
4753 Mediator between God and man.... Oct 4, 1949 50 Print
4754a Help of the light beings.... spiritual bondage.... Oct 5, 1949 51 Print
4754b Help of the light beings.... spiritual bondage.... Oct 6, 1949 57 Print
4755 Faithful community.... presence of God.... His church.... Oct 8, 1949 51 Print
4756 Predetermined earthly life.... Whims of destiny.... God's love.... Oct 8, 1949 600 Print
4757 Body, soul and spirit.... Explanation.... Oct 9, 1949 778 Print
4758 Re-incarnation.... Beings of light - Mission.... Oct 11, 1949 389 Print
4759 Vegetarian food?.... killing the animals.... Oct 13, 1949 50 Print
4760 Evidence of announcements.... reference to a play.... Oct 17, 1949 57 Print
4761 The true peace of the soul.... not of the world.... Oct 19, 1949 161 Print
4762 The world stands separating between God and man.... Oct 21, 1949 50 Print
4763 Spiritual seers.... teacher and adviser oft he fellow human beings.... Oct 22, 1949 107 Print
4764 Hardship - test of faith.... God meets the needs of the body.... Oct 25, 1949 55 Print
4765 Reference to the end and admonition to care for soul.... Oct 26, 1949 101 Print
4766 Faith without love is dead.... Oct 26, 1949 45 Print
4767 God's wooing of the renegades.... Oct 27, 1949 53 Print
4768 Collapse of ecclesiastical organisations.... True church.... Oct 28, 1949 933 Print
4769 Blessing of prayer.... Oct 30, 1949 115 Print
4770 God tolerates bad actions but does not call them good.... Oct 31, 1949 58 Print
4771 Tools of God.... conditions.... world sense.... control spirits.... Nov 2, 1949 56 Print
4772 Accepting the word act of free will.... truth bearer.... Nov 4, 1949 57 Print
4773 Reformers.... Nov 5, 1949 385 Print
4774 Significance of the era.... Christ’s embodiment on earth.... Nov 6, 1949 196 Print
4775 Voice of the spirit is truth.... Jesus Christ’s teaching.... Inner voice.... Nov 7, 1949 368 Print
4776 God's reward for His servants on earth.... Nov 9, 1949 59 Print
4777 New banishment of the spirits.... Salvation in one era.... Nov 10, 1949 570 Print
4778 Knowledge of God's plan of salvation.... Nov 11, 1949 111 Print
4779 Power of the direct word.... small number of servants.... free will.... Nov 12, 1949 51 Print
4780 Living against divine order.... sinking.... dissolution of matter.... Nov 13, 1949 54 Print
4781 Reunion in the beyond in a mature state.... Nov 14, 1949 396 Print
4782 Struggling for living faith.... opponents of God.... Nov 16, 1949 54 Print
4783 The Lord's visible appearance.... Nov 19, 1949 541 Print
4784 Right workers in the lord's vineyard.... Nov 20, 1949 55 Print
4785 Followers of Jesus.... spreading His teaching.... working of the spirit.... Nov 21, 1949 165 Print
4786 There is only one truth.... Feeling of heart.... Nov 23, 1949 362 Print
4787 Thought activity.... spiritual emanations.... Nov 24, 1949 50 Print
4788 Gaining knowledge of right faith through love.... Nov 26, 1949 54 Print
4789 Spiritual mission requires willpower.... love.... Nov 28, 1949 49 Print
4790 I live and you shall live too.... light and power.... Nov 29, 1949 54 Print
4791 Sin of omission.... repentance.... change in the afterlife.... Dec 3, 1949 114 Print
4792 Development process.... free or bound will.... Dec 4, 1949 48 Print
4793 Decay of earthly goods.... giant steps towards the end.... Dec 6, 1949 122 Print
4794 Leaders' and teachers' way of life is decisive for truth.... Dec 8, 1949 618 Print
4795 Recognition in earthly life or after entrance into the hereafter.... Dec 10, 1949 57 Print
4796 Right child relationship with God.... fulfilment of requests.... Dec 10, 1949 53 Print
4797 Ruthless action against heresies.... Dec 11, 1949 54 Print
4798 Disciples of the end time.... perk as reward for faith.... Dec 14, 1949 54 Print
4799 Calling the name of Jesus.... (word notebook Mahlberg) Dec 16, 1949 58 Print
4800 End of the time of graces.... serious reminder.... Dec 20, 1949 109 Print
4801 Blissful condition of mature souls and the state of imperfection in the beyond.... Dec 24, 1949 588 Print
4802 Christ's descent to earth and reason.... Dec 24, 1949 346 Print
4803 Incarnation of many light souls during the last days.... Dec 24, 1949 400 Print