Book 17


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
0801 Spiritual chaos.... World conflagration.... Messiah.... The forerunner of the Lord.... Mar 9, 1939 836 Print
0802 Spiritual feeding.... truth.... revelation.... Mar 9, 1939 128 Print
0803 Freedom of the spirit.... otherworldly auxiliaries to earthly activity.... Mar 10, 1939 128 Print
0804 Essence of the Godhead.... fathoming-wanting.... indifference.... Mar 10, 1939 123 Print
0805 New creations.... change of forms.... cover and substance of souls.... Mar 11, 1939 131 Print
0806 Spirit bearer.... purpose of all created things.... growth of plants.... Mar 12, 1939 111 Print
0807 Long-distance effect of thoughts.... Mar 12, 1939 138 Print
0808 Fellowship on earth and in the hereafter for the salvation of erring souls.... Mar 12, 1939 123 Print
0809 God's protection to the fighters for His word.... Mar 13, 1939 112 Print
0810 Bearer of the word.... search for the truth.... training stations.... researcher.... Mar 14, 1939 129 Print
0811 Faith - protective wall.... divine sermon.... Mar 14, 1939 125 Print
0812 Protection of the saviour.... togetherness.... living God-connectedness.... Mar 15, 1939 115 Print
0813 Self-redemption of the soul.... striving for union.... Mar 16, 1939 112 Print
0814 Mental influencing of the spiritual in matter.... Mar 17, 1939 110 Print
0815 Explanation to book 17 No. 0814.... effects of strife for the soul.... Mar 18, 1939 130 Print
0816 Transformation of the outer forms.... change of the spiritual.... Mar 19, 1939 113 Print
0817 Active will.... freedom of will.... Mar 19, 1939 111 Print
0818 God's work of education.... spiritual inertia.... purpose of sufferings.... Mar 20, 1939 195 Print
0819 Completion of spiritual.... maturity state.... protection.... Mar 20, 1939 123 Print
0820 Danger of becoming lukewarm.... regression.... extreme struggle of the soul.... Mar 21, 1939 117 Print
0821 God is love.... Mar 21, 1939 126 Print
0822 God’s word as protection against all adversities.... power of faith.... Mar 22, 1939 128 Print
0823 Father words.... God’s word refreshment from the heavens.... Mar 22, 1939 123 Print
0824 Climbing the mountains.... striving for spiritual height.... Mar 23, 1939 101 Print
0825 Goings-on of the underworld.... stubborn deniers of God.... Mar 23, 1939 121 Print
0826 Hour of death.... without preparation.... agony of passing away.... Mar 24, 1939 190 Print
0827 Time of judgement near.... concept of time.... present.... Mar 24, 1939 113 Print
0828 Depressions.... suffering is the father’s love.... Mar 25, 1939 253 Print
0829 Coming event.... transformation of earthly life.... Mar 26, 1939 135 Print
0830 Time of drought.... rocks.... little fountain.... word from above.... Mar 26, 1939 134 Print
0831 Matter as spirit carrier.... will to create.... dissolve.... compose.... Mar 27, 1939 186 Print
0832 Vacuum.... Mar 28, 1939 449 Print
0833 Arrogance.... faith paired with sharpness of mind.... Mar 28, 1939 122 Print
0834 Rhythm.... natural phenomena.... Mar 29, 1939 114 Print
0835 Divine love.... anode.... contact.... Mar 29, 1939 125 Print
0836 Adaptability.... activity urge.... awakening the spirit of God.... Mar 30, 1939 112 Print
0837 Bliss in the hereafter (house).... exhortation for this work's progress.... Mar 30, 1939 205 Print
0838 Spiritual self-discipline.... mastering earthly work dependent on the spiritual.... Mar 31, 1939 133 Print
0839 Blessing of deformity.... Mar 31, 1939 621 Print
0840 Father words.... simple living.... sham property.... Apr 1, 1939 124 Print
0841 Different reception capability.... form and content of the recordings.... Apr 1, 1939 127 Print
0842 Divine judgement no end of the world.... transformation of the earth.... Apr 2, 1939 121 Print
0843 Disregarding the commandments.... fulfilling the expressed will of God.... Apr 2, 1939 125 Print
0844 Charity.... ten commandments.... Apr 2, 1939 132 Print
0845 Divinity of Jesus.... strange sign of Jesus' suffering and death.... admission against christianity.... Apr 3, 1939 109 Print
0846 Insects.... Apr 3, 1939 117 Print
0847 Vermin.... technical aids.... Apr 4, 1939 107 Print
0848 Arrogance.... fall.... spiritual bridge in danger.... deception.... Apr 4, 1939 189 Print
0849 Purpose of the work of creation.... no total annihilation.... Apr 5, 1939 122 Print
0850 Sensual frenzy.... begetting.... purpose.... Apr 5, 1939 285 Print
0851 Immersion in spiritual problems.... flying high.... idleness of life.... Apr 6, 1939 115 Print
0852 Source of truth.... spiritual community.... spiritual light.... Apr 6, 1939 126 Print
0853 Jesus' suffering and dying.... Hour of death.... Apr 7, 1939 252 Print
0854 Spirit of God.... revelations.... science and true scholarship.... Apr 8, 1939 106 Print
0855 Father words.... Apr 8, 1939 137 Print
0856 Father words.... audible voice.... trust and firmness of faith.... Apr 9, 1939 119 Print
0857 Fulfilment of the predictions of scripture.... receiving the word.... Apr 10, 1939 224 Print
0858 Audible inner voice.... Apr 12, 1939 104 Print
0859 Enlightenment and instruction from above.... time of suffering for unbelievers.... Apr 12, 1939 122 Print
0860 Signs of old age.... striving for physical elasticity for earthly reasons.... violent event.... Apr 13, 1939 109 Print
0861 Care of the inner life.... contemplative hours of leisure.... Apr 13, 1939 113 Print
0862 God's blessing.... prayer and success of the work.... Apr 14, 1939 188 Print
0863 Spiritual influence.... direct connection.... thoughts transmission.... Apr 14, 1939 116 Print
0864 Work of creation.... solid matter.... atmosphere.... plants.... Apr 15, 1939 202 Print
0865 Suppression of desires advantage for soul.... commandments.... renounce.... Apr 15, 1939 128 Print
0866 Sunday sermon.... deity.... natural power.... knowledge and faith.... Apr 16, 1939 118 Print
0867 Redemption through love.... rebirth of the spirit.... overcoming death.... Apr 16, 1939 131 Print
0868 Soul care of the otherworldly spirit beings.... freedom of will.... Apr 17, 1939 124 Print
0869 Holy scripture.... word of God in unveiled form.... Apr 17, 1939 107 Print
0870 Prayer for the deceased.... help through love.... Apr 18, 1939 116 Print
0871 Purpose and future of this work.... exhortation to the struggle of the soul.... Apr 18, 1939 209 Print
0872 Earthly activity.... spiritual support.... divine power.... faith.... Apr 19, 1939 116 Print
0873 Sensual love.... Apr 19, 1939 661 Print
0874 Otherworldly teachers on behalf of the lord.... abuse of spiritual power.... Apr 20, 1939 116 Print
0875 Pure-spirit connection from the earth to the spiritual world.... proximity of the spiritual beings.... Apr 20, 1939 109 Print
0876 Efficiency of the soul.... renunciation.... preliminary stages.... light spheres.... Apr 21, 1939 123 Print