Book 8


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
0323 Humanity's need.... Warnings and admonition to accept God's word.... Mar 6, 1938 440 Print
0324 The Word of God.... Mar 7, 1938 283 Print
0325 Divine mercy.... Mar 8, 1938 280 Print
0326 Divine Grace.... The Spirit of God.... Mar 9, 1938 260 Print
0327 Revelation from God Himself.... Mar 10, 1938 267 Print
0328 Rejecting the idea of survival after death.... Mar 11, 1938 290 Print
0329 Father's words of comfort.... Prohibition of books.... Mar 12, 1938 293 Print
0330 Judicial power.... Mar 13, 1938 274 Print
0331 Wonderful proofs.... Unbelievers have the same purpose.... Mar 14, 1938 255 Print
0332 God’s blessing – earthly and spiritually.... Mar 15, 1938 265 Print
0333 Reminder to follow the inner voice.... The cornerstone of truth.... Mar 15, 1938 478 Print
0334 Hostility of evil powers.... 'Lead us not into temptation....' Mar 16, 1938 273 Print
0335 Spiritual work.... Spiritual hunger.... Divine Grace.... Mar 16, 1938 274 Print
0336 Receptacle vessel.... Organic limbs.... Purpose of the heart.... Mar 17, 1938 260 Print
0337 Constant higher development.... Missed life-stage.... Mar 18, 1938 273 Print
0338 Why God allows pressure through greed - lies and injustice.... Mar 19, 1938 269 Print
0339 Intellectual creation and reward.... Earthly work and reward.... Work in the Hereafter.... Mar 20, 1938 258 Print
0340 Doubts about the deity of Christ.... Teaching of Christ.... Incarnation.... Mar 20, 1938 274 Print
0341 Divine Grace.... Spiritual Friends.... Dangers from outside.... Help.... Mar 21, 1938 268 Print
0342 Flee the pleasures of the world.... Mar 21, 1938 274 Print
0343 Danger of self-love.... Love for God and neighbour.... Mar 22, 1938 469 Print
0344 The path of development is a constant struggle.... Struggle in nature.... Mar 22, 1938 248 Print
0345 The blessing of disease and suffering.... Mar 23, 1938 275 Print
0346 And the Word was made flesh.... Mar 25, 1938 251 Print
0347 But the greatest miracle is love.... Mar 27, 1938 271 Print
0348 Reminder.... Mar 27, 1938 452 Print
0349 Mystery of the Incarnation.... God's grace and power.... Mar 27, 1938 276 Print
0350 Candidates for the eternal kingdom.... Mar 28, 1938 261 Print
0351 Population Problems.... Mar 28, 1938 305 Print
0352 Population Problems.... Mar 29, 1938 249 Print
0353 The world endangers the salvation of souls.... Mar 29, 1938 246 Print
0354 Faith.... Mar 30, 1938 253 Print
0355 30.3. (Hugo).... Mar 30, 1938 265 Print
0356 Ermahnung zum Wirken.... Wille Gottes.... 7 Jahre Leid.... Vaterworte.... Mar 31, 1938 470 Print
0357 1.4 (Birthday).... Apr 1, 1938 258 Print
0358 Subordinating the will to the Divine will.... Apr 1, 1938 239 Print
0359 Patience and gentleness of the Lord.... His goodness endures forever.... Apr 2, 1938 246 Print
0360 Organized care.... Lack of charity.... Apr 2, 1938 230 Print
0361 Loving Father’s words.... Apr 3, 1938 248 Print
0362 Loving Father’s words.... Apr 3, 1938 256 Print
0363 Inner voice.... Sovereignty of the soul over the body.... Apr 3, 1938 260 Print
0364 The necessity of constant struggle.... Cleaning through the elements.... Storm.... Apr 4, 1938 247 Print
0365 Father-words.... Spirit.... suffering.... Love.... Apr 5, 1938 256 Print
0366 God's warrior.... God's Word.... Granary.... Apr 5, 1938 259 Print
0367 Messages given by God Himself are indestructible.... Apr 6, 1938 246 Print
0368 Prediction.... Laws.... Earth Mission.... Teaching of Christ.... Apr 6, 1938 258 Print
0369 Creative spirits.... Free will.... Apr 7, 1938 259 Print
0370 The disciples of the Savior.... The Jewish kingdom.... Apr 7, 1938 261 Print
0371 Anthroposophists?.... Poem.... Apr 8, 1938 254 Print
0372 Reasonable will to transfer.... Inner Knowledge.... Apr 9, 1938 266 Print
0373 Purpose of suffering - Trials.... Lethargy of the spirit.... Apr 11, 1938 490 Print
0374 Divine Commandments.... Work of the spirit-beings.... Apr 12, 1938 272 Print
0375 Knowledge.... Inner life.... Difference in the value of spiritual and earthly knowledge.... Apr 12, 1938 269 Print
0376 Building and foundation pillars.... Printing of the writings.... Warning.... Apr 13, 1938 489 Print